Culture Guide 3 behaviours considered rude in Nigeria but is perfectly acceptable in other parts of the world

Social norms and behaviour vary from one society to the next and what is acceptable in some areas could be frowned upon in another place.

The saying goes one man's meat is another man's poison and there's nothing that demonstrates this better than culture.
Social norms and behaviour vary from one society to the next and what is acceptable in some areas could be frowned upon in another place.
Here are 3 behaviours considered improper in these parts but are perfectly acceptable in other parts of the world.

  1. Slurping noodles may get you disapproving stares on the dinner table here but in Japan it is very welcome. According to the Japs, the best way to eat Ramen which is a noodle soup is by slurping it. This helps cool the noodles and allows for a more comfortable, tasty experience. So when in Japan, slurp away.
  2. Spitting in China is commonplace, so don't expect to get disapproving glances when you do this in China. The government is however making an effort to change this behaviour after finding that Chinese tourists were received negatively abroad.
  3. Most folks in Nigeria may prefer the backseat of the taxi but inAustralia and New Zealand, it can be considered rude not to ride next to the driver if you're the only traveler.


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